Saturday, February 13, 2016

Fighting the Winter Blues

The last few weeks I have been blue.  Not so bad that I haven't been eating well or working out, because I've been nearly perfect in that regards, but still bad enough that I just want to sleep.  I think partly it is because of the winter.  It's February - cold - still dark...  I took my daughter for a walk in her stroller the other day and nearly froze my face off.  (Of course I started singing "I can't feel my face when I'm with you...but I like it, but I like it!..." )

I don't like feeling on edge.  I don't like feeling that I could at any moment throw the towel in.  I like feeling strong, confident and unshakeable. 

I did have a compliment from a guy today I've never met.  During our BodyPump class the instructor, and my friend, made comment to the fact that I had just gotten out of a dance class.  At the end of the class, this guy Blaine comes up to me and says "You did a class before this?  Wow - I don't think I could do that!"    It's a nice feeling when I hear something like that.

So I trudge on...hoping to beat this funk sooner than later.