Friday, November 13, 2009

Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun!!

First an aside...those Doublemint commercials always freaked me out a bit. I have twins, but that many twins especially when there were 2 boy twins and 2 girl twins together all preppy looking is just weird!! (Apologies if you and your twin married another set of twins)

So today's weight: 263.8! Which means that I can not only post one ACHIEVED, but 2!!! See...double the pleasure!

Emotionally I've needed this. I know that I haven't been working as hard for the last 2 weeks, but sometimes just a pound or two makes all the difference in motivating me and keeping me strong!

I'm not terribly sore today which is a bonus!! I really am getting some defined biceps. I am Woman, Hear me ROAR!!!